Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Hey Guys & Ghouls, I know you all want some more videos, and I try to make them as often as possible, but with school, homework, and friends, its kinda hard to do. I will post things up here everyday (besides when I'm grounded.) I hope you guys understand. There will be at least one video a week though, even if I'm grounded. Okay monsters, I hope you have a spook-tacular night!                                    -MonsterHigh58 (a.k.a May)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hey, from Lagoona Blue.

Hey Guys & Ghouls, its Lagoona Blue. I'm living with Frankie Stein, and she is a great friend! Below are a couple of cartoon pictures of me. I hope you enjoy 'em, mate. 


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hey, from Frankie Stein.

Hey Guys & Ghouls, it's Frankie Stein. I'm living with Lagoona Blue right now, but Draculaura will be joining us on Christmas! Wanna watch my introduction video??? Either watch it on my YouTube account, MonsterHigh58, or watch it here!!! Look below for my introduction video.  Also I posted a cute cartoon picture of me. Thanks for checking out our blog!!!              

Friday, November 26, 2010


 Hey Guys and Ghouls, I have a new website!!! I'm super excited and I will upload pictures all the time. Thanks for all your support!!!!                                            -MonsterHigh58 :-)